Sunday, October 9, 2016


Oct. 10

The French newspaper Liberation’s story describing President Digong Duterte as a serial killer president must have been VERY EXPENSVE to be published on its front page. Unless its editors and reporter will admit to TOTAL AND SHAMELESS BIAS AND IRRESPONSIBILITY. For no TRULY PROFESSIONAL AND SANE reporter and editor (s) would have written and come out with that story on the following grounds:

First: To date, there has been NO PHYSICAL and INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE that Duterte PERSONALLY ORDERED the execution of the estimated 3,000 plus people who had been killed in the anti-drug operation. Or Duterte having killed some of the 3,000-plus himself. Not even a HANDFUL of families or loved ones of the dead have presented even a single piece of proof of Duterte having directly or indirectly ordered in any manner whatsoever that all pushers/drug traffickers and users to be captured must be killed, whether or not they had \surrendered peacefully.

Second: Liberation DID NOT NAME even a few of the people whom Duterte have killed or have ordered murdered, and the circumstances behind all these, to JUSTIFY its tag of the President as a serial kiler.

Third: Leila de Lima presented supposed Davao Death Squad former member Edgar Matobato who claimed Duterte personally ordered the murder of various people during his term as Davao City mayor. But live TV and radio coverage of Matobato’s testimonies in the Senate, and print and social media stories CLEARLY SHOWED THE LIES which Matobato HAS BEEN SAYING.  Lies which senators themselves noticed and uncovered.

So given all these, HOIW CAN DUTERTE BE A SERIAL KILLER PRESIDENT?  WHERE is the proof, or the basis?  If Liberation can’t present PHYSICAL, INDSPUTABLR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE, there’s NO REAOSN EITHER not to believe that A WHOLE DAMNED LOT OF MONEY changed hands for the story to come out in the paper’s front page. 30

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