Thursday, March 30, 2017


Image result for images of philippine drug war

March 30, 2017

For a newspaper that is supposed to be one of the biggest and most respected in the US, and the world, it’s both DISGUSTING AND TRAGIC to see how the New York Times can be so STUPID and ARROGANT!

In a story in, a spokesman for the Times said their documentary
"When a President Says 'I'll Kill You'" truthfully depicted the series of killings which began when the Duterte Administration assumed office on June 30, 2016. The statement added that journalists Andrew Glazer and Jeremy Rocklin followed Philippine Daily Inquirer photojournalist Raffy Lerma in the stories he covered in the Manila Police District.

To you BIASED IDIOTS in the Times: The Inquirer is NEITHER THE OFFICIAL OR UNOFFICIAL gauge of TRUTH in the Philippines. Shame on you if you didn’t know that. And if you knew it but still took whatever stories Mr. Lerma got as the true mirror of what’s happening in our country, you’re nothing less than the BIGGEST DISGRACE to the media profession. Not only in the US but throughout the world.

In the same breadth, the Manila Police District is NOT THE DATA BANK for all the killings that have happened since the dawn of the Duterte Administration. Regardless of how many thousands Mr. Lerma had covered. Just like in the US killings happen every day and everywhere.  So for Glazer and Rockin to claim the Inquirer guy’s work as their basis in passing judgment on a nationwide scale is either despicable UNPROFESSIONALISM OR BIAS, or both. 

So HOW DARE YOU call on other nations to apply pressure on President Duterte amid the rising death toll in the anti-drug war of his administration, with your PATHETICALLY LIMITED DATA.  Who do you think you are?

And unless the rules or ethics have changed without my knowledge, media men all over the world are supposed to be UNCONDITIONALLY IMPARTIAL in each and every story they come out with.  I know what I’m saying because I am a former media man myself, a senior editor in a group of nationally circulated publications. How TRAGIC that it seems the Times has BURIED this NOBLE principle of our profession. 30

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