Thursday, October 9, 2014


Presidential Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma was quoted in a story in that although former Makati vice mayor Ernesto Mercado is under the Justice Department’s Witness Protection Program (WPP), the government wasn’t helping him gather evidence of corruption against Vice President Jejomar Binay.

My take: Coloma’s LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH and trying to make IDIOTS out of us. For the record, I am not a supporter of Binay and this PIECE IS NOT IN DEFENSE of the Vice President.

Think about this, boys and girls:

Mercado ADMITTED IN MEDIA that he was a passenger in the helicopter which circled an hacienda in Batangas which he claimed was owned by Binay.

Anybody correct me if I’m wrong but anybody under the WPP CAN’TJUST GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT PERMISSION AND WITHOUT ESCORT.

So Mercado was ALLOWED by a WPP bigwig to JOIN that flight.

I’m categorically saying allowed because NO ONE among the WPP bosses, especially Justice Sec. Leila de Lima, has claimed that Mercado only escaped from their custody to join that trip.

If WPP bosses will claim that Mercado LIED on the reason for that trip, they HAVE NOT SANCTIONED OR DISCIPLINED HIM EITHER for it.

If Mercado had a different purpose for that trip, like a family emergency, Coloma may have been telling the truth.

But the mere fact that the supposed Binay property was the destination is NOTHING LESS THAN SHAMELESS VULGARITY of the government’s LIES ON SUPPOSEDLY BEING ‘HANDS OFF’ on the accusations against the Vice President.

At the EXPENSE OF US TAXPAYERS, since public funds are being spent on Mercado’s stay in the WPP.

If De Lima or any other WPP official will insist that they have nothing to do with Mercado’s flight to the alleged Binay hacienda, then they should have no problem in ordering the former vice mayor to PUBLICLY REVEAL the details and other passengers.

And to COME OUT WITH DOCUMENTARY PROOF that public funds were not used for it.

If the WPP, De Lima and Malacanang will leave Mercado UNTOUCHED, then  it would be INSANITY TO BELIEVE ANYTHING ELSE THEY WILL SAY on any other issue. 30

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